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intelligent system of feedbacks
Shvets, A., & Shvets, V.. (2018). Cognitive and technological aspects of e-learning in context of robotization. Cognitive Science – New Media – Education, 3(2), 65.
Intelligent robots
Arduengo, M., & Sentis, L.. (2020). The Robot Economy : Here It Comes. International Journal Of Social Robotics.
Gries, T., & Naude, W.. (2018). Artificial intelligence, jobs, inequality and productivity: Does aggregate demand matter. In Maastricht Economic and social Research institute on Innovation and Technology. Retrieved de
Information Technology
Willcocks, L. (2020). Robo-Apocalypse cancelled? Reframing the automation and future of work debate. In Journal of Information Technology.
information literacy
Carter, D. (2018). How real is the impact of artificial intelligence? The business information survey 2018. Business Information Review, 35(3), 99 - 115.
industry 4.0; robotics; sequential versus dual education systems; human resources management and policy
Industrial robots
Jung, J. Hwa, & Lim, D. Geon. (2020). Industrial robots, employment growth, and labor cost: A simultaneous equation analysis. Technological Forecasting And Social Change, 159, 120202.
Malone, T. W., Nickerson, J. V., Laubacher, R. J., Fisher, L. Hesse, de Boer, P., Han, Y., & Ben Towne, W.. (2017). Putting the Pieces Back Together Again: Contest Webs for Large-Scale Problem Solving. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (1661–1674).
human-swarm interaction (HSI)
Human-robot interaction (HRI)
Human-machine-Bigdata interaction loop
Roccetti, M., Delnevo, G., Casini, L., & Salomoni, P.. (2020). A Cautionary Tale for Machine Learning Design: why we Still Need Human-Assisted Big Data Analysis. Mobile Networks And Applications, 25, 1075–1083.
Human-machine symbiosis
Human-in-the-loop methods
Roccetti, M., Delnevo, G., Casini, L., & Salomoni, P.. (2020). A Cautionary Tale for Machine Learning Design: why we Still Need Human-Assisted Big Data Analysis. Mobile Networks And Applications, 25, 1075–1083.
