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artificial intelligence
Seeber, I., Bittner, E., Briggs, R. O., de Vreede, T., de Vreede, G. Jan, Elkins, A., et al.. (2020). Machines as teammates: A research agenda on AI in team collaboration. Information And Management, 57, 103174.
Johnson, R. D., Stone, D. L., & Lukaszewski, K. M.. (2020). The benefits of eHRM and AI for talent acquisition. Journal Of Tourism Futures.
Wagner, D. Nicolas. (2020). The nature of the Artificially Intelligent Firm - An economic investigation into changes that AI brings to the firm. Telecommunications Policy, 44, 101954.
J Black, S., & van Esch, P.. (2020). AI-enabled recruiting: What is it and how should a manager use it?. Business Horizons, 63, 215–226.
Sushina, T., & Sobenin, A.. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in the Criminal Justice System: Leading Trends and Possibilities. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Social, economic, and academic leadership (ICSEAL-6-2019) (441, 432–437).
Danaher, J. (2017). Will Life Be Worth Living in a World Without Work? Technological Unemployment and the Meaning of Life. Science And Engineering Ethics, 23.
Analytical and intuitive decision making
Alzheimers disease detection
Kernbach, J. M., & Staartjes, V. E.. (2020). Machine learning-based clinical prediction modeling – A practical guide for clinicians. Artificial Intelligence In Precision Health, 257–278.
Završnik, A.. (2020). Criminal justice, artificial intelligence systems, and human rights. Era Forum, 20, 567–583.
Algorithmic management
Jarrahi, M. Hossein. (2019). In the age of the smart artificial intelligence: AI’s dual capacities for automating and informating work. Business Information Review, 026638211988399.
PDF icon In the Age of the Smart Artificial Intelligence AI’s Dual Capacities for Automating and Informating.pdf (317.68 KB)
Kitchin, R. (2017). Thinking critically about and researching algorithms. Information, Communication & Society, 20(1), 14 - 29.
Algorithmic accountability
Kuziemski, M., & Misuraca, G.. (2020). AI governance in the public sector: Three tales from the frontiers of automated decision-making in democratic settings. Telecommunications Policy, 44, 101976.
AI-enabled recruiting
J Black, S., & van Esch, P.. (2020). AI-enabled recruiting: What is it and how should a manager use it?. Business Horizons, 63, 215–226.
AI use cases
J. Heberling, M., & Isaac, B. L.. (2018). iNaturalist as a tool to expand the research value of museum specimens. Applications In Plant Sciences, 6(11), e01193.
