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Chee, F. M. (2018). An Uber ethical dilemma: examining the social issues at stake. Journal Of Information, Communication And Ethics In Society, 16(3), 261 - 274.
Begeer, S., Bouk, S. El, Boussaid, W., Terwogt, M. Meerum, & Koot, H. M.. (2009). Under diagnosis and referral bias of autism in ethnic minorities. Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders, 39(1), 142 - 148.
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Tsvetkova, M., Yasseri, T., Meyer, E. T., J. Pickering, B., Engen, V., Walland, P., et al.. (2017). Understanding human-machine networks. Acm Computing Surveys, 50(1), 1 - 35.
Willis, M., & Meyer, E. T.. (2018). Understanding tasks, automation, and the national health service (Vol. 10766, pp. 544 - 549; G. Chowdhury, McLeod, J., Gillet, V., & Willett, P., Eds.). In (Vol. 10766, pp. 544 - 549).
Ferreira, P., Teixeira, J. Grenha, & Teixeira, L. F.. (2020). Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Services. In International Conference on Exploring Services Science (1, 202–213).
Morgeson, F. P., Dierdorff, E. C., & Hmurovic, J. L.. (2010). Understanding the role of occupational and organizational context. Journal Of Organizational Behavior, 31(2-3), 351 - 360.
Bechmann, A., & Bowker, G. C.. (2019). Unsupervised by any other name: Hidden layers of knowledge production in artificial intelligence on social media. Big Data & Society, 6(1), 205395171881956.
Clément, M., & Guitton, M. J.. (2015). Users’ reactions to actions of automated programs in Wikipedia. Computers In Human Behavior, 50, 66 - 75.
Flynn, A. (2019). Using artificial intelligence in health-system pharmacy practice: Finding new patterns that matter. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 76(9), 622 - 627.
Clifton, J., Clifton, J., Glasmeier, A., & Gray, M.. (2020). When machines think for us: The consequences for work and place. Cambridge Journal Of Regions, Economy And Society, 13, 3–23.
Freeman, R. (2015). Who owns the robots rules the world. Iza World Of Labor.
Autor, D. H. (2015). Why Are There Still So Many Jobs? The History and Future of Workplace Automation. Journal Of Economic Perspectives, 29(3), 3-30.
Pettersen, L. (2019). Why artificial intelligence will not outsmart complex knowledge work. Work, Employment And Society, 33(6), 1058 - 1067.
