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Dietzmann, C., & Alt, R.. (2020). Assessing the Business Impact of Artificial Intelligence. In Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (3, 5170–5179).
Shen, S., & Neyens, D. M.. (2017). Assessing drivers' response during automated driver support system failures with non-driving tasks. Journal Of Safety Research, 61, 149 - 155.
Jones, L. D., Golan, D., Hanna, S. A., & Ramachandran, M.. (2018). Artificial intelligence, machine learning and the evolution of healthcare. Bone & Joint Research, 7(3), 223 - 225.
Panch, T., Szolovits, P., & Atun, R.. (2018). Artificial intelligence, machine learning and health systems. Journal Of Global Health, 8(2).
Gries, T., & Naude, W.. (2018). Artificial intelligence, jobs, inequality and productivity: Does aggregate demand matter. In Maastricht Economic and social Research institute on Innovation and Technology. Retrieved de
Šukjurovs, I., Zvirgzdiņa, R., & Jeromanova-Maura, S.. (2019). Artificial intelligence in workplaces and how it will affect employment in Latvia. Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings Of The International Scientific And Practical Conference, 2, 154.
Sushina, T., & Sobenin, A.. (2020). Artificial Intelligence in the Criminal Justice System: Leading Trends and Possibilities. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Social, economic, and academic leadership (ICSEAL-6-2019) (441, 432–437).
Saithibvongsa, P., & Yu, J. Eon. (2018). Artificial intelligence in the computer-age threatens human beings and working conditions at workplaces. Electronics Science Technology And Application, 5(3).
Huang, M. - H., & Rust, R. T.. (2018). Artificial Intelligence in Service. Journal Of Service Research, 21(2), 155 - 172.
Musib, M., Wang, F., Tarselli, M. A., Yoho, R., Yu, K. - H., Andrés, R. Medina, et al.. (2017). Artificial intelligence in research. Science, 357(6346), 28 - 30.
Becker, A. (2019). Artificial intelligence in medicine: What is it doing for us today?. Health Policy And Technology, 8(2), 198 - 205.
Weidlich, V., & Weidlich, G. A.. (2018). Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Radiation Oncology. Cureus.
Ågerfalk, P. J., Conboy, K., Crowston, K., Jarvenpaa, S. L., Lundström, J. Eriksson, Mikalef, P., & Ram, S.. (2022). Artificial intelligence in information systems: State of the art and research roadmap. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems (Cais), 50.
PDF icon Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems State of the Art.pdf (1 MB)
Jiang, F., Jiang, Y., Zhi, H., Dong, Y., Li, H., Ma, S., et al.. (2017). Artificial intelligence in healthcare: past, present and future. Stroke And Vascular Neurology, 2(4), 230 - 243.
Belanche, D., Casaló, L. V., & Flavián, C.. (2019). Artificial Intelligence in FinTech: understanding robo-advisors adoption among customers. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 119(7), 1411 - 1430.
Johnson, K. W., Soto, J. Torres, Glicksberg, B. S., Shameer, K., Miotto, R., Ali, M., et al.. (2018). Artificial Intelligence in Cardiology. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology, 71(23), 2668 - 2679.
