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Bertolini, A., & Aiello, G.. (2018). Robot companions: A legal and ethical analysis. The Information Society, 34(3), 130 - 140.
H. Trussell, J. (2018). Robot revolution: Myth or reality. Proceedings Of The Ieee, 106(12), 2095 - 2097.
van der Aalst, W. M. P., Bichler, M., & Heinzl, A.. (2018). Robotic process automation. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 60(4), 269 - 272.
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Berg, A., Buffie, E. F., & Zanna, L. - F.. (2018). Should we fear the robot revolution?. Journal Of Monetary Economics, 97, 117 - 148.
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Aggarwal, S. Chand. (2018). Technology, productivity and employment: an empirical analysis of indian industries. Journal Of Business Thought, 9, 1 - 10.
Eustace, S. (2018). Technology-induced bias in the theory of evidence-based medicine. Journal Of Evaluation In Clinical Practice, 24(5), 945 - 949.
Garcia-Murillo, M., MacInnes, I., & Bauer, J. M.. (2018). Techno-unemployment: A framework for assessing the effects of information and communication technologies on work. Telematics And Informatics, 35(7), 1863 - 1876.
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Mlynar, J., Alavi, H. S., Verma, H., & Cantoni, L.. (2018). Towards a Sociological Conception of Artificial Intelligence. In Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Presented at the Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
