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á servitization á design
Ferreira, P., Teixeira, J. Grenha, & Teixeira, L. F.. (2020). Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Services. In International Conference on Exploring Services Science (1, 202–213).
Administrative work
Petersen, A. C. M., Christensen, L. Rune, & Hildebrandt, T. T.. (2020). The Role of Discretion in the Age of Automation. Computer Supported Cooperative Work: Cscw: An International Journal, 29, 303–333.
Noonpakdee, W. (2020). The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence for Financial Investment Service. 2020 22Nd International Conference On Advanced Communication Technology (Icact), 396–400.
Willcocks, L. (2020). Robo-Apocalypse cancelled? Reframing the automation and future of work debate. In Journal of Information Technology.
Dogru, A. K., & Keskin, B. B.. (2020). AI in operations management: applications, challenges and opportunities. Journal Of Data, Information And Management, 2, 67–74.
Das, S., Steffen, S., Clarke, W., Reddy, P., Brynjolfsson, E., & Fleming, M.. (2020). Learning occupational task-shares dynamics for the future of work. In AIES 2020 - Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (36–42).
AI application
AL-Gindy, A. (2018). Artificial Intelligence: A Case Study on Risk Mitigation. International Journal Of Computer Science And Network Security, 18(4), 9-12.
AI benchmarks
Mart'nez-Plumed, F., Tolan, S. 'l, Pesole, A., Hern'ndez-Orallo, J., Fern'ndez-Mac'as, E., & G'mez, E.. (2020). Does AI qualify for the job? A bidirectional model mapping labour and AI intensities. In AIES 2020 - Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (94–100).
AI ethics
de Ágreda, Á. Gómez. (2020). Ethics of autonomous weapons systems and its applicability to any AI systems. Telecommunications Policy, 5, 101953.
AI impact
Mart'nez-Plumed, F., Tolan, S. 'l, Pesole, A., Hern'ndez-Orallo, J., Fern'ndez-Mac'as, E., & G'mez, E.. (2020). Does AI qualify for the job? A bidirectional model mapping labour and AI intensities. In AIES 2020 - Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (94–100).
AI intensity
Mart'nez-Plumed, F., Tolan, S. 'l, Pesole, A., Hern'ndez-Orallo, J., Fern'ndez-Mac'as, E., & G'mez, E.. (2020). Does AI qualify for the job? A bidirectional model mapping labour and AI intensities. In AIES 2020 - Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (94–100).
AI technologies risks
Azarova, L., Kudryavtseva, M., & Sharakhina, L.. (2020). Key Advantages and Risks of Implementing Artificial Intelligence in the Activities of Professional Communicators. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar, ComSDS 2020 (82–86).
AI use cases
J. Heberling, M., & Isaac, B. L.. (2018). iNaturalist as a tool to expand the research value of museum specimens. Applications In Plant Sciences, 6(11), e01193.
AI-enabled recruiting
J Black, S., & van Esch, P.. (2020). AI-enabled recruiting: What is it and how should a manager use it?. Business Horizons, 63, 215–226.
