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new technologies
Grimshaw, D. (2020). International organisations and the future of work: How new technologies and inequality shaped the narratives in 2019. In Journal of Industrial Relations (pp. 477–507).
newfoundland and labrador a1c
Reid-musson, E., Cockayne, D., Frederiksen, L., & Worth, N.. (2020). Feminist economic geography and the future of work. Epa: Economy And Space, 1–12.
Occupational Task Demands
Das, S., Steffen, S., Clarke, W., Reddy, P., Brynjolfsson, E., & Fleming, M.. (2020). Learning occupational task-shares dynamics for the future of work. In AIES 2020 - Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (36–42).
Dogru, A. K., & Keskin, B. B.. (2020). AI in operations management: applications, challenges and opportunities. Journal Of Data, Information And Management, 2, 67–74.
operations management
Dogru, A. K., & Keskin, B. B.. (2020). AI in operations management: applications, challenges and opportunities. Journal Of Data, Information And Management, 2, 67–74.
Operations Management (OM)
Dogru, A. K., & Keskin, B. B.. (2020). AI in operations management: applications, challenges and opportunities. Journal Of Data, Information And Management, 2, 67–74.
Organization decision making
Huang, M. Hui, & Rust, R. T.. (2020). Engaged to a Robot? The Role of AI in Service. Journal Of Service Research.
Primary care
WIllis, M., & Meyer, E. T.. (2018). Work that Enables Care: Understanding Tasks, Automation, and the National Health Service. In iConference. Presented at the iConference.
Principal-agent problem
Wagner, D. Nicolas. (2020). The nature of the Artificially Intelligent Firm - An economic investigation into changes that AI brings to the firm. Telecommunications Policy, 44, 101954.
Taylor, F. W. (1911). The Principles of Scientific Management. New York: Norton & Company.
Gries, T., & Naude, W.. (2018). Artificial intelligence, jobs, inequality and productivity: Does aggregate demand matter. In Maastricht Economic and social Research institute on Innovation and Technology. Retrieved de
Acemoglu, D., Lelarge, C., & Restrepo, P.. (2020). Competing with Robots: Firm-Level Evidence from France. Aea Papers And Proceedings, 110, 383–388.
professional communicators
Azarova, L., Kudryavtseva, M., & Sharakhina, L.. (2020). Key Advantages and Risks of Implementing Artificial Intelligence in the Activities of Professional Communicators. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar, ComSDS 2020 (82–86).
