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Acemoglu, D., Lelarge, C., & Restrepo, P.. (2020). Competing with Robots: Firm-Level Evidence from France. Aea Papers And Proceedings, 110, 383–388.
Mart'nez-Plumed, F., Tolan, S. 'l, Pesole, A., Hern'ndez-Orallo, J., Fern'ndez-Mac'as, E., & G'mez, E.. (2020). Does AI qualify for the job? A bidirectional model mapping labour and AI intensities. In AIES 2020 - Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (94–100).
Team collaboration
Seeber, I., Bittner, E., Briggs, R. O., de Vreede, T., de Vreede, G. Jan, Elkins, A., et al.. (2020). Machines as teammates: A research agenda on AI in team collaboration. Information And Management, 57, 103174.
Theory of the firm
Wagner, D. Nicolas. (2020). The nature of the Artificially Intelligent Firm - An economic investigation into changes that AI brings to the firm. Telecommunications Policy, 44, 101954.
thinking AI
Huang, M. Hui, & Rust, R. T.. (2020). Engaged to a Robot? The Role of AI in Service. Journal Of Service Research.
to investment companies
Noonpakdee, W. (2020). The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence for Financial Investment Service. 2020 22Nd International Conference On Advanced Communication Technology (Icact), 396–400.
to offer customers accessibility
Noonpakdee, W. (2020). The Adoption of Artificial Intelligence for Financial Investment Service. 2020 22Nd International Conference On Advanced Communication Technology (Icact), 396–400.
