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Raasch, C., Lee, V., Spaeth, S., & Herstatt, C.. (2013). The rise and fall of interdisciplinary research: The case of open source innovation. Research Policy, 42(5), 1138 - 1151.
Rahman, H. A., & Barley, S. R.. (2017). Situated redesign in creative occupations – An ethnography of architects. Academy Of Management Discoveries, 3(4), 404 - 424.
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Rieder, B. (2017). Scrutinizing an algorithmic technique: the Bayes classifier as interested reading of reality. Information, Communication & Society, 20(1), 100 - 117.
Riemer, K., & Peter, S.. (2020). The robo-apocalypse plays out in the quality, not in the quantity of work. In Journal of Information Technology.
Robinson, R. M., McCount, M. J., Marathe, A. R., Nothwang, W. D., & Doucette, E. A.. (2016). Degree of Automation in Command and Control Decision Support Systems. In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Retrieved de
Roccetti, M., Delnevo, G., Casini, L., & Salomoni, P.. (2020). A Cautionary Tale for Machine Learning Design: why we Still Need Human-Assisted Big Data Analysis. Mobile Networks And Applications, 25, 1075–1083.
Roco, M. C., & Bainbridge, W. S.. (2013). The new world of discovery, invention, and innovation: convergence of knowledge, technology, and society. Journal Of Nanoparticle Research, 15(9).
