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Stoeckli, E., Uebernickel, F., & Brenner, W.. (2018). Towards an understanding of how chatbots create value (T. Bui, Tran.). In Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesProceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesProceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Chee, F. M. (2018). An Uber ethical dilemma: examining the social issues at stake. Journal Of Information, Communication And Ethics In Society, 16(3), 261 - 274.
Toxtli, C., Monroy-Hernández, A., & Cranshaw, J.. (2018). Understanding Chatbot-mediated Task Management (R. Mandryk, Hancock, M., Perry, M., & Cox, A., Trans.). In the 2018 CHI ConferenceProceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '18 (1 - 6).
Willis, M., & Meyer, E. T.. (2018). Understanding tasks, automation, and the national health service (Vol. 10766, pp. 544 - 549; G. Chowdhury, McLeod, J., Gillet, V., & Willett, P., Eds.). In (Vol. 10766, pp. 544 - 549).
Prainsack, B., & Buyx, A.. (2018). The value of work: Addressing the future of work through the lens of solidarity. Bioethics, 32(9), 585 - 592. 10.1111/bioe.12507
Meskó, B., Hetényi, G., & Győrffy, Z.. (2018). Will artificial intelligence solve the human resource crisis in healthcare?. Bmc Health Services Research, 18(1).
WIllis, M., & Meyer, E. T.. (2018). Work that Enables Care: Understanding Tasks, Automation, and the National Health Service. In iConference. Presented at the iConference.
Faraj, S., Pachidi, S., & Sayegh, K.. (2018). Working and organizing in the age of the learning algorithm. Information And Organization, 28.
Faraj, S., Pachidi, S., & Sayegh, K.. (2018). Working and organizing in the age of the learning algorithm. Information And Organization, 28(1), 62 - 70.
Voosen, P. (2017). The AI detectives. Science, pp. 22 - 27.
Pennisi, E. (2017). AI in Action: Combing the genome for the roots of autism. Science, 357(6346), 25 - 25.
Sokol, J. (2017). AI in Action: Machines that make sense of the sky. Science, 357(6346), 26 - 26.
Kirkpatrick, K. (2017). AI in contact centers. Communications Of The Acm, 60(8), 18 - 19.
Neyland, D., & Möllers, N.. (2017). Algorithmic IF  … THEN rules and the conditions and consequences of power. Information, Communication & Society, 20(1), 45 - 62.
Bucher, T. (2017). The algorithmic imaginary: Exploring the ordinary affects of Facebook algorithms. Information, Communication & Society, 20(1), 30 - 44.
