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Conference Proceedings
Crowston, K., Østerlund, C., & Lee, T. Kyoung. (2017). Blending machine and human learning processes. In Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences.
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Aguirre, S., & Rodriguez, A.. (2017). Automation of a Business Process Using Robotic Process Automation (RPA): A Case Study (J. Carlos Figueroa-García, López-Santana, E. Ramiro, Villa-Ramírez, J. Luis, & Ferro-Escobar, R., Eds.). In Workshop on Engineering Applications (WEA 2017): Applied Computer Sciences in Engineering (pp. 65 - 71).
Petridis, S., Diakopoulos, N., Crowston, K., Hansen, M., Henderson, K., Jastrzebski, S., et al.. (2023). AngleKindling: Supporting Journalistic Angle Ideation with Large Language Models. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Conference Paper
WIllis, M., & Meyer, E. T.. (2018). Work that Enables Care: Understanding Tasks, Automation, and the National Health Service. In iConference. Presented at the iConference.
Greco, C., Polonioli, A., & Tagliabue, J.. (2019). Why small data holds the key to the future of artificial intelligence. In 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and ApplicationsProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (340 - 347).
Ferreira, P., Teixeira, J. Grenha, & Teixeira, L. F.. (2020). Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Services. In International Conference on Exploring Services Science (1, 202–213).
Toxtli, C., Monroy-Hernández, A., & Cranshaw, J.. (2018). Understanding Chatbot-mediated Task Management (R. Mandryk, Hancock, M., Perry, M., & Cox, A., Trans.). In the 2018 CHI ConferenceProceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '18 (1 - 6).
Stoeckli, E., Uebernickel, F., & Brenner, W.. (2018). Towards an understanding of how chatbots create value (T. Bui, Tran.). In Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesProceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesProceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Mlynar, J., Alavi, H. S., Verma, H., & Cantoni, L.. (2018). Towards a Sociological Conception of Artificial Intelligence. In Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). Presented at the Artificial General Intelligence (AGI).
Young, A. G., Young, A. G., & Kane, G. C.. (2018). Theorizing human and bot co - production effects on information quality. In Thirty - n inth International Conference on Information Systems,. Presented at the Thirty - n inth International Conference on Information Systems. Retrieved de
Murphy, R. R., & Schreckenghost, D.. (2013). Survey of metrics for human-robot interaction. In IEEE International Conference. Presented at the IEEE International Conference. Retrieved de
Metcalfe, J. S., Marathe, A. R., Haynes, B., Paul, V. J., Gremillion, G. M., Drnec, K., et al.. (2017). SPIE ProceedingsBuilding a framework to manage trust in automation. In SPIE Defense + SecurityMicro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications IX (10194, 101941U).
Lee, H., Kwon, H., Robinson, R. M., Nothwang, W. D., & Marathe, A. R.. (2016). SPIE ProceedingsAn efficient fusion approach for combining human and machine decisions. In SPIE Defense + SecurityMicro- and Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications VIII (9836, 983621).
Schneider, S., Taylor, G. W., & Kremer, S. C.. (2020). Similarity Learning Networks for Animal Individual Re-Identification-Beyond the Capabilities of a Human Observer. In Proceedings - 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops, WACVW 2020 (479, 44–52).
Kuhn, T. (2015). Science bot: a model for the future computation (A. Gangemi, Leonardi, S., & Panconesi, A., Trans.). In the 24th International ConferenceProceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web - WWW '15 Companion (1061 - 1062).
Berntzen, M., & Wong, S. I.. (2019). The roles of initiated and received task interdependence (T. Bui, Tran.). In Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesProceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesProceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
zollosy, M. (2017). Robots, ai, and the question of 'e-persons'. In Journal of science communication. Presented at the Journal of science communication. Retrieved de
Gruetzemacher, R. (2018). Rethinking AI strategy and policy as entangled super wicked problems (J. Furman, Marchant, G., Price, H., & Rossi, F., Trans.). In the 2018 AAAI/ACM ConferenceProceedings of the 2018 AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society - AIES '18 (122 - 122).
Research on the application of artificial intelligence technology in human resource management. (2018). Research on the application of artificial intelligence technology in human resource management. In 2018 2nd International Conference on Systems, Computing, and Applications2018 2nd International Conference on Systems, Computing, and Applications (SYSTCA 2018). Presented at the 2018 2nd International Conference on Systems, Computing, and Applications2018 2nd International Conference on Systems, Computing, and Applications (SYSTCA 2018).
Malone, T. W., Nickerson, J. V., Laubacher, R. J., Fisher, L. Hesse, de Boer, P., Han, Y., & Ben Towne, W.. (2017). Putting the Pieces Back Together Again: Contest Webs for Large-Scale Problem Solving. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (1661–1674).
Dolata, M., Crowston, K., & Schwabe, G.. (2022). Project archetypes: A blessing and a curse for AI development. In International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Presented at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Copenhagen, Denmark. Retrieved de
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Sampson, S. (2020). Predicting Automation of Professional Jobs in Healthcare. In Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (3, 3529–3537).
Aragon, C. R., & Poon, S.. (2011). No sense of distance. In the 2011 iConferenceProceedings of the 2011 iConference on - iConference '11 (159 - 165).
Østerlund, C., Crowston, K., Jackson, C. B., Takou-Ayaoh, M., Wu, Y., & Katsaggelos, A. K.. (2024). Mutual learning in human-AI interaction. In Trust and Reliance in Evolving Human-AI Workflows (TREW) Workshop, ACM CHI Conference. Presented at the Trust and Reliance in Evolving Human-AI Workflows (TREW) Workshop, ACM CHI Conference, Honolulu, HI.
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