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Jung, J. Hwa, & Lim, D. Geon. (2020). Industrial robots, employment growth, and labor cost: A simultaneous equation analysis. Technological Forecasting And Social Change, 159, 120202.
Grimshaw, D. (2020). International organisations and the future of work: How new technologies and inequality shaped the narratives in 2019. In Journal of Industrial Relations (pp. 477–507).
Azarova, L., Kudryavtseva, M., & Sharakhina, L.. (2020). Key Advantages and Risks of Implementing Artificial Intelligence in the Activities of Professional Communicators. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Communication Strategies in Digital Society Seminar, ComSDS 2020 (82–86).
Das, S., Steffen, S., Clarke, W., Reddy, P., Brynjolfsson, E., & Fleming, M.. (2020). Learning occupational task-shares dynamics for the future of work. In AIES 2020 - Proceedings of the AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society (36–42).
Crowston, K. (2020). Lessons for Supporting Data Science from the Everyday Automation Experience of Spell-Checkers. In Automation Experience across Domains (AutomationXP20), CHI'20 Workshop, 26 April 2020, Virtual. Presented at the Automation Experience across Domains (AutomationXP20), CHI'20 Workshop, 26 April 2020, Virtual, Virtual workshop.
PDF icon Everyday_automation camera ready.pdf (421.84 KB)
Kernbach, J. M., & Staartjes, V. E.. (2020). Machine learning-based clinical prediction modeling – A practical guide for clinicians. Artificial Intelligence In Precision Health, 257–278.
Seeber, I., Bittner, E., Briggs, R. O., de Vreede, T., de Vreede, G. Jan, Elkins, A., et al.. (2020). Machines as teammates: A research agenda on AI in team collaboration. Information And Management, 57, 103174.
Wagner, D. Nicolas. (2020). The nature of the Artificially Intelligent Firm - An economic investigation into changes that AI brings to the firm. Telecommunications Policy, 44, 101954.
Spencer, D., & Slater, G.. (2020). No automation please, we're British: Technology and the prospects for work. Cambridge Journal Of Regions, Economy And Society, 13, 117–134.
Sampson, S. (2020). Predicting Automation of Professional Jobs in Healthcare. In Proceedings of the 53rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (3, 3529–3537).
McLeay, F., Osburg, V. Sophie, Yoganathan, V., & Patterson, A.. (2020). Replaced by a Robot: Service Implications in the Age of the Machine. Journal Of Service Research.
Willcocks, L. (2020). Robo-Apocalypse cancelled? Reframing the automation and future of work debate. In Journal of Information Technology.
Riemer, K., & Peter, S.. (2020). The robo-apocalypse plays out in the quality, not in the quantity of work. In Journal of Information Technology.
Arduengo, M., & Sentis, L.. (2020). The Robot Economy : Here It Comes. International Journal Of Social Robotics.
Dottori, D. (2020). Robots and employment: evidence from Italy. In Questioni di Economia e Finanza.
Petersen, A. C. M., Christensen, L. Rune, & Hildebrandt, T. T.. (2020). The Role of Discretion in the Age of Automation. Computer Supported Cooperative Work: Cscw: An International Journal, 29, 303–333.
Schneider, S., Taylor, G. W., & Kremer, S. C.. (2020). Similarity Learning Networks for Animal Individual Re-Identification-Beyond the Capabilities of a Human Observer. In Proceedings - 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops, WACVW 2020 (479, 44–52).
Ferreira, P., Teixeira, J. Grenha, & Teixeira, L. F.. (2020). Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Services. In International Conference on Exploring Services Science (1, 202–213).
Krupiy, T. Tanya. (2020). A vulnerability analysis : Theorising the impact of artificial intelligence decision-making processes on individuals , society and human diversity from a social justice perspective. Computer Law & Security Review: The International Journal Of Technology Law And Practice, 38, 105429.
Clifton, J., Clifton, J., Glasmeier, A., & Gray, M.. (2020). When machines think for us: The consequences for work and place. Cambridge Journal Of Regions, Economy And Society, 13, 3–23.
