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Lopez, J. Amador Dia, Molina-Solana, M., & Kennedy, M. T.. (2018). foo.castr: visualising the future AI workforce. Big Data Analytics, 3(1).
Paikari, E., & van der Hoek, A.. (2018). A framework for understanding chatbots and their future (H. Sharp, de Souza, C. R. B., Graziotin, D., Levy, M., & Socha, D., Trans.). In the 11th International WorkshopProceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Cooperative and Human Aspects of Software Engineering - CHASE '18 (13 - 16).
Beck-Dudley, C. L. (2018). The future of work, business education, and the role of AACSB. Journal Of Legal Studies Education, 35(1), 165 - 170.
Turk, Z. (2018). The Future of Work: Robots Cooking Free Lunches?. European View, 17(2), 241 - 241.
Plastino, E., & Purdy, M.. (2018). Game changing value from Artificial Intelligence: eight strategies. Strategy & Leadership, 46(1), 16 - 22.
Moody, K. (2018). High tech, low growth: Robots and the future of work abstract. Historical Materialism, 26(4), 3 - 34.
Mendling, J., Decker, G., Hull, R., Reijers, H. A., & Weber, I.. (2018). How do machine learning, robotic process automation, and blockchains affect the human factor in business process management?. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems, 297 - 320.
