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Musib, M., Wang, F., Tarselli, M. A., Yoho, R., Yu, K. - H., Andrés, R. Medina, et al.. (2017). Artificial intelligence in research. Science, 357(6346), 28 - 30.
Becker, A. (2019). Artificial intelligence in medicine: What is it doing for us today?. Health Policy And Technology, 8(2), 198 - 205.
Weidlich, V., & Weidlich, G. A.. (2018). Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Radiation Oncology. Cureus.
Ågerfalk, P. J., Conboy, K., Crowston, K., Jarvenpaa, S. L., Lundström, J. Eriksson, Mikalef, P., & Ram, S.. (2022). Artificial intelligence in information systems: State of the art and research roadmap. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems (Cais), 50.
PDF icon Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems State of the Art.pdf (1 MB)
Jiang, F., Jiang, Y., Zhi, H., Dong, Y., Li, H., Ma, S., et al.. (2017). Artificial intelligence in healthcare: past, present and future. Stroke And Vascular Neurology, 2(4), 230 - 243.
Belanche, D., Casaló, L. V., & Flavián, C.. (2019). Artificial Intelligence in FinTech: understanding robo-advisors adoption among customers. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 119(7), 1411 - 1430.
Johnson, K. W., Soto, J. Torres, Glicksberg, B. S., Shameer, K., Miotto, R., Ali, M., et al.. (2018). Artificial Intelligence in Cardiology. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology, 71(23), 2668 - 2679.
Kelley, K. H., Fontanetta, L. M., Heintzman, M., & Pereira, N.. (2018). Artificial intelligence: Implications for social inflation and insurance. Risk Management And Insurance Review, 21(3), 373 - 387.
Mikhaylov, S. Jankin, Esteve, M., & Campion, A.. (2018). Artificial intelligence for the public sector: opportunities and challenges of cross-sector collaboration. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical And Engineering Sciences, 376(2128), 20170357.
Østerlund, C., Jarrahi, M. Hossein, Willis, M., Boyd, K., & Wolf, C.. (2020). Artificial intelligence and the world of work, a co-constitutive relationship. Journal Of The Association For Information Science And Technology.
Jarrahi, M. Hossein. (2018). Artificial intelligence and the future of work: Human-AI symbiosis in organizational decision making. Business Horizons, 61(4), 577 - 586.
Danysz, K., Cicirello, S., Mingle, E., Assuncao, B., Tetarenko, N., Mockute, R., et al.. (2019). Artificial Intelligence and the Future of the Drug Safety Professional. Drug Safety, 42(4), 491 - 497.
Galily, Y. (2018). Artificial intelligence and sports journalism: Is it a sweeping change?. Technology In Society.
Obschonka, M., & Audretsch, D. B.. (2019). Artificial intelligence and big data in entrepreneurship: a new era has begun. Small Business Economics.
AL-Gindy, A. (2018). Artificial Intelligence: A Case Study on Risk Mitigation. International Journal Of Computer Science And Network Security, 18(4), 9-12.
Bluemke, D. A. (2018). Are You Working with AI or Being Replaced by AI?. Radiology, 287(2), 365 - 366.
Dahlin, E. (2019). Are robots stealing our jobs?. Socius: Sociological Research For A Dynamic World, 5, 237802311984624.
Gentili, A., Compagnucci, F., Gallegati, M., & Valentini, E.. (2020). Are machines stealing our jobs?. Cambridge Journal Of Regions, Economy And Society, 13, 153–173.
