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Dottori, D. (2020). Robots and employment: evidence from Italy. In Questioni di Economia e Finanza.
Petersen, A. C. M., Christensen, L. Rune, & Hildebrandt, T. T.. (2020). The Role of Discretion in the Age of Automation. Computer Supported Cooperative Work: Cscw: An International Journal, 29, 303–333.
Schneider, S., Taylor, G. W., & Kremer, S. C.. (2020). Similarity Learning Networks for Animal Individual Re-Identification-Beyond the Capabilities of a Human Observer. In Proceedings - 2020 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision Workshops, WACVW 2020 (479, 44–52).
Ferreira, P., Teixeira, J. Grenha, & Teixeira, L. F.. (2020). Understanding the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Services. In International Conference on Exploring Services Science (1, 202–213).
Krupiy, T. Tanya. (2020). A vulnerability analysis : Theorising the impact of artificial intelligence decision-making processes on individuals , society and human diversity from a social justice perspective. Computer Law & Security Review: The International Journal Of Technology Law And Practice, 38, 105429.
Clifton, J., Clifton, J., Glasmeier, A., & Gray, M.. (2020). When machines think for us: The consequences for work and place. Cambridge Journal Of Regions, Economy And Society, 13, 3–23.
Ågerfalk, P. J., Conboy, K., Crowston, K., Jarvenpaa, S. L., Lundström, J. Eriksson, Mikalef, P., & Ram, S.. (2022). Artificial intelligence in information systems: State of the art and research roadmap. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems (Cais), 50.
PDF icon Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems State of the Art.pdf (1 MB)
Dolata, M., Crowston, K., & Schwabe, G.. (2022). Project archetypes: A blessing and a curse for AI development. In International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). Presented at the International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Copenhagen, Denmark. Retrieved de
PDF icon icis_archetypes_rev1_v20_zora.pdf (433.37 KB)
Petridis, S., Diakopoulos, N., Crowston, K., Hansen, M., Henderson, K., Jastrzebski, S., et al.. (2023). AngleKindling: Supporting Journalistic Angle Ideation with Large Language Models. In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
PDF icon GAI_and_skills.pdf (281.94 KB)
Öcal, A., & Crowston, K.. (2024). Framing and feelings on social media: The futures of work and intelligent machines. Information, Technology & People.
PDF icon frames to share.pdf (391.17 KB)
Dolata, M., & Crowston, K.. (2024). Making sense of AI systems development. Ieee Transactions On Software Engineering, 50(1), 123–140.
PDF icon sensemaking_tse_to_share.pdf (619.73 KB)
Østerlund, C., Crowston, K., Jackson, C. B., Takou-Ayaoh, M., Wu, Y., & Katsaggelos, A. K.. (2024). Mutual learning in human-AI interaction. In Trust and Reliance in Evolving Human-AI Workflows (TREW) Workshop, ACM CHI Conference. Presented at the Trust and Reliance in Evolving Human-AI Workflows (TREW) Workshop, ACM CHI Conference, Honolulu, HI.
PDF icon TREW_Workshop_Paper_2024.pdf (392.26 KB)
Wang, S., Menon, S., Long, T., Henderson, K., Li, D., Crowston, K., et al.. (2024). ReelFramer: Human-AI Co-Creation for News-to-Video Translation. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
