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Marengo, L. (2019). Is this time different? A note on automation and labour in the fourth industrial revolution. Journal Of Industrial And Business Economics, 46(3), 323 - 331.
Balsmeier, B., & Woerter, M.. (2019). Is this time different? How digitalization influences job creation and destruction. Research Policy, 48(8), 103765.
Pulkka, V. - V. (2019). “This time may be a little different” – exploring the Finnish view on the future of work. International Journal Of Sociology And Social Policy, 39(1/2), 22 - 37.
Dahya, R., & Morris, A.. (2019). Toward a conceptual framework for understanding AI action and legal reaction (Vol. 11489, pp. 453 - 459; M. - J. Meurs & Rudzicz, F., Eds.). In (Vol. 11489, pp. 453 - 459).
Frank, M. R., Autor, D., Bessen, J. E., Brynjolfsson, E., Cebrian, M., Deming, D. J., et al.. (2019). Toward understanding the impact of artificial intelligence on labor. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 116, 6531–6539.
Udell, M., Stehel, V., Kliestik, T., Kliestikova, J., & Durana, P.. (2019). Towards a smart automated society: Cognitive technologies, knowledge production, and economic growth. Economics, Management, And Financial Markets, 14(1), 44.
Herzenberg, S., & Alic, J.. (2019). Towards an AI economy that works for all. In Keystone Research Center Future of Work Project sponsored by The Heinz Endowments. Retrieved de
BUITEN, M. C. (2019). Towards intelligent regulation of Artificial Intelligence. European Journal Of Risk Regulation, 10(1), 41 - 59.
Androutsopoulou, A., Karacapilidis, N., Loukis, E., & Charalabidis, Y.. (2019). Transforming the communication between citizens and government through AI-guided chatbots. Government Information Quarterly, 36(2), 358 - 367.
Bechmann, A., & Bowker, G. C.. (2019). Unsupervised by any other name: Hidden layers of knowledge production in artificial intelligence on social media. Big Data & Society, 6(1), 205395171881956.
Flynn, A. (2019). Using artificial intelligence in health-system pharmacy practice: Finding new patterns that matter. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 76(9), 622 - 627.
Pettersen, L. (2019). Why artificial intelligence will not outsmart complex knowledge work. Work, Employment And Society, 33(6), 1058 - 1067.
Greco, C., Polonioli, A., & Tagliabue, J.. (2019). Why small data holds the key to the future of artificial intelligence. In 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and ApplicationsProceedings of the 8th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (340 - 347).
Jaume-Palasi, L. (2019). Why we are failing to understand the societal impact of artificial intelligence. Social Research: An International Quarterly, 86, pp. 477-498. Retrieved de
Langlotz, C. P. (2019). Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Radiologists?. Radiology: Artificial Intelligence, 1(3), e190058.
Chan, S., & Siegel, E. L.. (2019). Will machine learning end the viability of radiology as a thriving medical specialty?. The British Journal Of Radiology, 92(1094), 20180416.
