Artificial Intelligence and Work: AAAI 2019 Fall Symposium

A two and one-half day symposium was held 7–9 November 2019 in Washington, DC, USA, to discuss and plan how AI researchers will contribute to research on human work with artificial intelligence. The symposium schedule and papers are available (NB. you must be logged in to the website to see the papers).

Call for papers: Organization Science special issue on Emerging Technologies and Organizing

Special Issue Editors
Diane Bailey, Samer Faraj, Pamela Hinds, Georg von Krogh, and Paul Leonardi

Workshop report: Developing Skills to Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines (Pre-HICSS workshop)

A workshop was held 1pm – 4pm, 8 January 2019 in Wailea, HI, before the annual Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences. It was the 4th workshop to be sponsored by the WAIM RCN. The workshop was organized by Elaine Mosconi, Université de Sherbrooke, Kevin Crowston, Syracuse University and Jeffrey Nickerson, Stevens Institute of Technology. The topic was "Developing Skills to Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines", though the discussion ranged more broadly. There were about 50 attendees.

HSS 408-461: Robots + Work

Type: Syllabus
Author: Bernadette Long
Year of Publishing: 2018

Course Description: Humanities senior seminar. Combine current theory with practice to prepare students as socially conscious technology developers. Analyze complex social and technical situations to develop socially appropriate responses through tasks that involve problem analysis, ethical considerations, and technology issues regarding influences on the distribution of jobs and nature of work.

Impacts of machine learning on work

Crowston, K., & Bolici, F.. (2019). Impacts of machine learning on work. In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawai'i International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-52).

Report on Workforce Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles

You can find the report on Workforce Impacts of Autonomous Vehicles .

Effect of Automated Trucks on the Truck Driver Workforce

The report on the NSF-funded workshop, Effect of Automated Trucks on the Truck Driver Workforce, is available. Please see the for the report and other presentations or the direct report .

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles in Society: An Agenda for Social and Policy Research

Type: Report
Author: MSU Workshop on Autonomous Vehicles in Society
Year of Publishing: 2018

On May 18-19, 2018, a workshop was held at Michigan State University: “Autonomous Vehicles in Society: Building a Research Agenda.” The workshop produced an agenda for social, economic, and policy research on connected and autonomous vehicles and infrastructure to support that research.

HCOMP Workshop Report: Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines

Type: Report
Author: Jeffrey V. Nickerson, Matthew Lease
Year of Publishing: 2018

The Workshop on Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines was held at the 6th AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing (HCOMP) on July 5, 2018 in Zurich, Switzerland. The workshop explored ways in which human work and occupations will be changed as artificial intelligence becomes more increasingly prevalent in the workplace. The workshop was a part of a series of workshops funded by a National Science Foundation (NSF) convergence grant on the future of work.


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