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Journal Article
Roco, M. C., & Bainbridge, W. S.. (2013). The new world of discovery, invention, and innovation: convergence of knowledge, technology, and society. Journal Of Nanoparticle Research, 15(9).
Roco, M. C. (2016). Handbook of Science and Technology ConvergenceConvergence-Divergence Process (pp. 79 - 93; W. S. Bainbridge & Roco, M. C., Eds.). In (pp. 79 - 93).
Roco, M. C. (2016). Handbook of Science and Technology ConvergenceConvergence-Divergence Process (pp. 79 - 93; W. S. Bainbridge & Roco, M. C., Eds.). In (pp. 79 - 93).