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Cockshott, P., & Renaud, K.. (2016). Humans, robots and values. Technology In Society, 45, 19 - 28.
Delfanti, A., & Frey, B.. (2020). Humanly Extended Automation or the Future of Work Seen through Amazon Patents. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 016224392094366.
Jennings, N. R., Moreau, L., Nicholson, D., Ramchurn, S., Roberts, S., Rodden, T., & Rogers, A.. (2014). Human-agent collectives. Communications Of The Acm, 57(12), 80 - 88.
Tursunbayeva, A. (2019). Human resource technology disruptions and their implications for human resources management in healthcare organizations. Bmc Health Services Research, 19(1).
Mukhalipi, A. (2018). Human capital management and future of work; job creation and unemployment: a literature review. Oalib, 05(09), 1 - 17.
Kao, Y. - F., & Venkatachalam, R.. (2018). Human and Machine Learning. Computational Economics.
Bærøe, K., Miyata-Sturm, A., & Henden, E.. (2020). How to achieve trustworthy artificial intelligence for health. Bulletin Of The World Health Organization, 98, 257–262.
Burrell, J. (2016). How the machine ‘thinks’: Understanding opacity in machine learning algorithms. Big Data & Society, 3(1), 205395171562251.
H. Harvey, B., & Gowda, V.. (2020). How the FDA regulates AI. Academic Radiology, 27(1), 58 - 61.
Crone, T., & Zargar, M. Shafeie. (2018). How the anthropormorphization of virtual assistants influences user's trust. Academy Of Management Proceedings, 2018(1), 16328.
Cascio, W. F., & Montealegre, R.. (2016). How technology is changing work and organizations. Annual Review Of Organizational Psychology And Organizational Behavior, 3(1), 349 - 375.
Carter, D. (2018). How real is the impact of artificial intelligence? The business information survey 2018. Business Information Review, 35(3), 99 - 115.
Gibbs, M. (2017). How is new technology changing job design?. Iza World Of Labor.
Mendling, J., Decker, G., Hull, R., Reijers, H. A., & Weber, I.. (2018). How do machine learning, robotic process automation, and blockchains affect the human factor in business process management?. Communications Of The Association For Information Systems, 297 - 320.
Kokina, J., & Davenport, T. H.. (2017). How automation is changing auditing. Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Accounting, 14(1), 115 - 122.
Mokyr, J., Vickers, C., & Ziebarth, N. L.. (2015). The history of technological anxiety and the future of economic growth: Is this time different?. Journal Of Economic Perspectives, 29(3), 31 - 50.
Sudlow, B. (2019). Higher education in the age of Artificial Intelligence. Postdigital Science And Education, 1(1), 236 - 239.
Moody, K. (2018). High tech, low growth: Robots and the future of work abstract. Historical Materialism, 26(4), 3 - 34.
