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Zevin, M., Coughlin, S., Bahaadini, S., Besler, E., Rohani, N., Allen, S., et al.. (2017). Gravity Spy: Integrating Advanced LIGO Detector Characterization, Machine Learning, and Citizen Science. Classical And Quantum Gravity, 34, 064003.
Kokina, J., & Davenport, T. H.. (2017). How automation is changing auditing. Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Accounting, 14(1), 115 - 122.
Gibbs, M. (2017). How is new technology changing job design?. Iza World Of Labor.
Salehi, N., McCabe, A., Valentine, M., & Bernstein, M. S.. (2017). Huddler: Convening stable and familiar crowd teams despite unpredictable availability. In Proceedings of the Conference on Computer supported Cooperative Work and Social Media. Presented at the Proceedings of the Conference on Computer supported Cooperative Work and Social Media.
Yeung, K. (2017). ‘Hypernudge’: Big Data as a mode of regulation by design. Information, Communication & Society, 20(1), 118 - 136.
Natale, S., & Ballatore, A.. (2017). Imagining the thinking machine. Convergence: The International Journal Of Research Into New Media Technologies, 135485651771516.
Phan, P., Wright, M., & Lee, S. - H.. (2017). Of robots, Artificial Intelligence, and work. Academy Of Management Perspectives, 31(4), 253 - 255.
Parker, S. K., Morgeson, F. P., & Johns, G.. (2017). One hundred years of work design research: Looking back and looking forward. Journal Of Applied Psychology, 102(3), 403 - 420.
Van den Broeck, A., Parker, S. K., Van den Broeck, A., & Parker, S. K.. (2017). Oxford research encyclopedia of psychology.
Malone, T. W., Nickerson, J. V., Laubacher, R. J., Fisher, L. Hesse, de Boer, P., Han, Y., & Ben Towne, W.. (2017). Putting the Pieces Back Together Again: Contest Webs for Large-Scale Problem Solving. In Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (1661–1674).
