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Chee, F. M. (2018). An Uber ethical dilemma: examining the social issues at stake. Journal Of Information, Communication And Ethics In Society, 16(3), 261 - 274.
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Bechmann, A., & Bowker, G. C.. (2019). Unsupervised by any other name: Hidden layers of knowledge production in artificial intelligence on social media. Big Data & Society, 6(1), 205395171881956.
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Flynn, A. (2019). Using artificial intelligence in health-system pharmacy practice: Finding new patterns that matter. American Journal Of Health-System Pharmacy, 76(9), 622 - 627.
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Krupiy, T. Tanya. (2020). A vulnerability analysis : Theorising the impact of artificial intelligence decision-making processes on individuals , society and human diversity from a social justice perspective. Computer Law & Security Review: The International Journal Of Technology Law And Practice, 38, 105429.
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Jaume-Palasi, L. (2019). Why we are failing to understand the societal impact of artificial intelligence. Social Research: An International Quarterly, 86, pp. 477-498. Retrieved de
Langlotz, C. P. (2019). Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Radiologists?. Radiology: Artificial Intelligence, 1(3), e190058.
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Danaher, J. (2017). Will Life Be Worth Living in a World Without Work? Technological Unemployment and the Meaning of Life. Science And Engineering Ethics, 23.
Danaher, J. (2017). Will Life Be Worth Living in a World Without Work? Technological Unemployment and the Meaning of Life. Science And Engineering Ethics, 23(1), 41 - 64.
Chan, S., & Siegel, E. L.. (2019). Will machine learning end the viability of radiology as a thriving medical specialty?. The British Journal Of Radiology, 92(1094), 20180416.
