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Mikhaylov, S. Jankin, Esteve, M., & Campion, A.. (2018). Artificial intelligence for the public sector: opportunities and challenges of cross-sector collaboration. Philosophical Transactions Of The Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical And Engineering Sciences, 376(2128), 20170357.
Kelley, K. H., Fontanetta, L. M., Heintzman, M., & Pereira, N.. (2018). Artificial intelligence: Implications for social inflation and insurance. Risk Management And Insurance Review, 21(3), 373 - 387.
Johnson, K. W., Soto, J. Torres, Glicksberg, B. S., Shameer, K., Miotto, R., Ali, M., et al.. (2018). Artificial Intelligence in Cardiology. Journal Of The American College Of Cardiology, 71(23), 2668 - 2679.
Weidlich, V., & Weidlich, G. A.. (2018). Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Radiation Oncology. Cureus.
Huang, M. - H., & Rust, R. T.. (2018). Artificial Intelligence in Service. Journal Of Service Research, 21(2), 155 - 172.
Saithibvongsa, P., & Yu, J. Eon. (2018). Artificial intelligence in the computer-age threatens human beings and working conditions at workplaces. Electronics Science Technology And Application, 5(3).
Gries, T., & Naude, W.. (2018). Artificial intelligence, jobs, inequality and productivity: Does aggregate demand matter. In Maastricht Economic and social Research institute on Innovation and Technology. Retrieved de
Panch, T., Szolovits, P., & Atun, R.. (2018). Artificial intelligence, machine learning and health systems. Journal Of Global Health, 8(2).
Jones, L. D., Golan, D., Hanna, S. A., & Ramachandran, M.. (2018). Artificial intelligence, machine learning and the evolution of healthcare. Bone & Joint Research, 7(3), 223 - 225.
Birtchnell, T., & Elliott, A.. (2018). Automating the black art: Creative places for artificial intelligence in audio mastering. Geoforum, 96, 77-86.
Kuriakose, F., & Iyer, D.. (2018). Automation and the future of jobs in India. In Center For The Advanced Study of India. Retrieved de
Viscelli, S. (2018). Autonomous trucks and the future of the american trucker. In UC Berkeley Center for Labor Research and Education and Working Partnerships USA. Retrieved de
