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Shestakofsky, B. (2017). Working algorithms: Software automation and the future of work. Work And Occupations, 44(4), 376 - 423.
Mishel, L., & Bivens, J.. (2017). The zombie robot argument lurches on. Economy Policy Institute. Retrieved de
Introna, L. D. (2016). Algorithms, governance, and governmentality. Science, Technology, & Human Values, 41(1), 17 - 49.
Land-Zandstra, A. M., Devilee, J. L. A., Snik, F., Buurmeijer, F., & van den Broek, J. M.. (2016). Citizen science on a smartphone: Participants’ motivations and learning. Public Understanding Of Science, 25(1), 45 - 60.
Robinson, R. M., McCount, M. J., Marathe, A. R., Nothwang, W. D., & Doucette, E. A.. (2016). Degree of Automation in Command and Control Decision Support Systems. In IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Retrieved de
Berger, T., & Frey, C. Benedikt. (2016). Did the Computer Revolution shift the fortunes of U.S. cities? Technology shocks and the geography of new jobs. Regional Science And Urban Economics, 57, 38 - 45.
Colbert, A., Yee, N., & George, G.. (2016). The digital workforce and the workplace of the future. Academy Of Management Journal, 59(3), 731 - 739.
Storey, M. - A., & Zagalsky, A.. (2016). Disrupting developer productivity one bot at a time (T. Zimmermann, Cleland-Huang, J., & Su, Z., Trans.). In the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International SymposiumProceedings of the 2016 24th ACM SIGSOFT International Symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering - FSE 2016 (928 - 931).
Dhar, V. (2016). The Future of Artificial Intelligence. Big Data, 4(1), 5 - 9.
Roco, M. C. (2016). Handbook of Science and Technology ConvergenceConvergence-Divergence Process (pp. 79 - 93; W. S. Bainbridge & Roco, M. C., Eds.). In (pp. 79 - 93).
Cascio, W. F., & Montealegre, R.. (2016). How technology is changing work and organizations. Annual Review Of Organizational Psychology And Organizational Behavior, 3(1), 349 - 375.
Burrell, J. (2016). How the machine ‘thinks’: Understanding opacity in machine learning algorithms. Big Data & Society, 3(1), 205395171562251.
Cockshott, P., & Renaud, K.. (2016). Humans, robots and values. Technology In Society, 45, 19 - 28.
