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Kelley, K. H., Fontanetta, L. M., Heintzman, M., & Pereira, N.. (2018). Artificial intelligence: Implications for social inflation and insurance. Risk Management And Insurance Review, 21(3), 373 - 387.
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Kokina, J., & Davenport, T. H.. (2017). How automation is changing auditing. Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Accounting, 14(1), 115 - 122.
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Galanos, V. (2018). Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist: Lessons from Shared Cognition and the Opposition to the Nature/Nurture Divide (Vol. 537, pp. 359 - 373; D. Kreps, Ess, C., Leenen, L., & Kimppa, K., Eds.). In (Vol. 537, pp. 359 - 373).
Galanos, V. (2018). Artificial Intelligence Does Not Exist: Lessons from Shared Cognition and the Opposition to the Nature/Nurture Divide (Vol. 537, pp. 359 - 373; D. Kreps, Ess, C., Leenen, L., & Kimppa, K., Eds.). In (Vol. 537, pp. 359 - 373).
