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Diamond, A. M. (2018). Robots and computers enhance us more than they replace us. The American Economist, 056943451879267.
Moffitt, K. C., Rozario, A. M., & Vasarhelyi, M. A.. (2018). Robotic Process Automation for Auditing. Journal Of Emerging Technologies In Accounting, 15(1), 1 - 10.
van der Aalst, W. M. P., Bichler, M., & Heinzl, A.. (2018). Robotic process automation. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 60(4), 269 - 272.
H. Trussell, J. (2018). Robot revolution: Myth or reality. Proceedings Of The Ieee, 106(12), 2095 - 2097.
Arduengo, M., & Sentis, L.. (2020). The Robot Economy : Here It Comes. International Journal Of Social Robotics.
Bertolini, A., & Aiello, G.. (2018). Robot companions: A legal and ethical analysis. The Information Society, 34(3), 130 - 140.
Croghan, S. M., Carroll, P., Reade, S., Gillis, A. E., & Ridgway, P. F.. (2018). Robot Assisted Surgical Ward Rounds: Virtually Always There. Journal Of Innovation In Health Informatics, 25(1), 041.
Levine, A. B., Schlosser, C., Grewal, J., Coope, R., Jones, S. J. M., & Yip, S.. (2019). Rise of the Machines: Advances in Deep Learning for Cancer Diagnosis. Trends In Cancer, 5(3), 157 - 169.
Ferrara, E., Varol, O., Davis, C., Menczer, F., & Flammini, A.. (2016). The rise of social bots. Communications Of The Acm, 59(7), 96 - 104.
ÖZCAN, R.. (2019). The rise of robots! Effects on employment and income. Öneri Dergisi, 1 - 17.
Raasch, C., Lee, V., Spaeth, S., & Herstatt, C.. (2013). The rise and fall of interdisciplinary research: The case of open source innovation. Research Policy, 42(5), 1138 - 1151.
Arntz, M., Gregory, T., & Zierahn, U.. (2017). Revisiting the risk of automation. Economics Letters, 159, 157 - 160.
Carpini, J. A., Parker, S. K., & Griffin, M. A.. (2017). A review and synthesis of the individual work performance literature. Academy Of Management Annals, 11(2), 825 - 885.
Dale, R. (2016). The return of the chatbots. Natural Language Engineering, 22(5), 811 - 817.
McLeay, F., Osburg, V. Sophie, Yoganathan, V., & Patterson, A.. (2020). Replaced by a Robot: Service Implications in the Age of the Machine. Journal Of Service Research.
Khan, S. Rafi. (2018). Reinventing capitalism to address automation: Sharing work to secure employment and income. Competition & Change, 22(4), 343 - 362.
Coelho, H. (2018). Reflections on the meaning of automated education. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 26, 115.
Grant, A. M., & Parker, S. K.. (2009). Redesigning work design theories: The rise of relational and proactive perspectives. The Academy Of Management Annals, 3(1), 317 - 375.
Oakden-Rayner, L. (2019). The Rebirth of CAD: How Is Modern AI Different from the CAD We Know?. Radiology: Artificial Intelligence, 1(3), e180089.
Maddox, T. M., Rumsfeld, J. S., & Payne, P. R. O.. (2019). Questions for artificial intelligence in health care. Jama, 321(1), 31.
Silva, F. N., Rodrigues, F. A., Oliveira, O. N., & L. Costa, daF.. (2013). Quantifying the interdisciplinarity of scientific journals and fields. Journal Of Informetrics, 7(2), 469 - 477.
