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Li, J. (Justin), Bonn, M. A., & Ye, B. Haobin. (2019). The moderating roles of perceived organizational support and competitive psychological climate. Tourism Management, 73, 172 - 181.
Chiou, E. K., Lee, J. D., & Su, T.. (2019). Negotiated and reciprocal exchange structures in human-agent cooperation. Computers In Human Behavior, 90, 288 - 297.
Choi, D. Y., & Kang, J. Hyeung. (2019). Net job creation in an increasingly autonomous economy: The challenge of a generation. Journal Of Management Inquiry, 28(3), 300 - 305.
Liang, H. - F., Wu, K. - M., Weng, C. - H., & Hsieh, H. - W.. (2019). Nurses' Views on the Potential Use of Robots in the Pediatric Unit. Journal Of Pediatric Nursing, 47, e58 - e64.
Metcalf, L., Askay, D. A., & Rosenberg, L. B.. (2019). Pooling knowledge through artificial swarm intelligence to improve business decision making. California Management Review, 61(4), 84 - 109.
Davenport, T., & Kalakota, R.. (2019). The potential for artificial intelligence in healthcare. Future Healthcare Journal, 6(2), 94 - 98.
Pugh, A. J. (2019). Precarious lives: Job insecurity and well-being in rich democracies. Social Forces, 97(4), e1 - e3.
Saba, L., Biswas, M., Kuppili, V., Godia, E. Cuadrado, Suri, H. S., Edla, D. Reddy, et al.. (2019). The present and future of deep learning in radiology. European Journal Of Radiology, 114, 14 - 24.
Raj, M., & Seamans, R.. (2019). Primer on artificial intelligence and robotics. Journal Of Organization Design, 8(1).
Maddox, T. M., Rumsfeld, J. S., & Payne, P. R. O.. (2019). Questions for artificial intelligence in health care. Jama, 321(1), 31.
Oakden-Rayner, L. (2019). The Rebirth of CAD: How Is Modern AI Different from the CAD We Know?. Radiology: Artificial Intelligence, 1(3), e180089.
Savola, H., & Troqe, B.. (2019). Recruiters just wanna have AI? (Spring semester 2019 ed.). In Department of Management and Engineering (Spring semester 2019 ed.). Retrieved de
ÖZCAN, R.. (2019). The rise of robots! Effects on employment and income. Öneri Dergisi, 1 - 17.
Levine, A. B., Schlosser, C., Grewal, J., Coope, R., Jones, S. J. M., & Yip, S.. (2019). Rise of the Machines: Advances in Deep Learning for Cancer Diagnosis. Trends In Cancer, 5(3), 157 - 169.
Berntzen, M., & Wong, S. I.. (2019). The roles of initiated and received task interdependence (T. Bui, Tran.). In Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesProceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Presented at the Hawaii International Conference on System SciencesProceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.
Kittur, A., Yu, L., Hope, T., Chan, J., Lifshitz-Assaf, H., Gilon, K., et al.. (2019). Scaling up analogical innovation with crowds and AI. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences, 116(6), 1870-1877.
Chrisinger, D. (2019). The solution lies in education: Artificial intelligence & the skills gap. On The Horizon, 27(1), 1 - 4.
Correia, A., Jameel, S., Paredes, H., Fonseca, B., & Schneider, D.. (2019). Steps toward a scaffolding design framework (pp. 149 - 161; V. - J. Khan, Papangelis, K., Lykourentzou, I., & Markopoulos, P., Eds.). In (pp. 149 - 161).
