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Levine, D. I. (2019). Automation as Part of the Solution. Journal Of Management Inquiry, 28(3), 316 - 318.
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Lutz, C. (2019). Digital inequalities in the age of artificial intelligence and big data. Human Behavior And Emerging Technologies, 1(2), 141 - 148.
Sopilnyk, L., Shevchuk, A., & Kopytko, V.. (2018). Cryptocurrency, Artificial Intelligence and basic income as innovative technological system. Path Of Science, 4(8), 2024 - 2030.
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Madakam, S., Holmukhe, R. M., & Jaiswal, D. Kumar. (2019). The future digital work force: Robotic process automation (RPA). Journal Of Information Systems And Technology Management, 16.
Maddox, T. M., Rumsfeld, J. S., & Payne, P. R. O.. (2019). Questions for artificial intelligence in health care. Jama, 321(1), 31.
Maedche, A., Legner, C., Benlian, A., Berger, B., Gimpel, H., Hess, T., et al.. (2019). AI-Based Digital Assistants. Business & Information Systems Engineering, 61(4), 535 - 544.
Makridakis, S. (2017). The forthcoming Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolution: Its impact on society and firms. Futures, 90, 46 - 60.
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Toxtli, C., Monroy-Hernández, A., & Cranshaw, J.. (2018). Understanding Chatbot-mediated Task Management (R. Mandryk, Hancock, M., Perry, M., & Cox, A., Trans.). In the 2018 CHI ConferenceProceedings of the 2018 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems - CHI '18 (1 - 6).
