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About the RCN

Members of the WAIM network are developing the understanding needed to jointly design both sides of the human-technology frontier in work settings and using intelligent machines. Join now by clicking .

Presentation for iConference paper

Here's a recording of the presentation of our recent iConference paper.

A conversation on The Future of AI and Citizen Science

I recently helped edit a special collection for the journal Citizen Science: Theory and Practice on  the Future of Artificial Intelligence and Citizen Science. We recently had an onlline "conversation" about the collection and the topic that you can find on YouTube.

Deskilling and upskilling with AI systems

Crowston, K., & Bolici, F.. (2025). Deskilling and upskilling with AI systems. Information Research An International Electronic Journal, 30(iConf), 1009–1023.

Special issue on The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Citizen Science

Our special collection on The Future of Artificial Intelligence and Citizen Science was just published in Citizen Science: Theory & Practice. Check it out !



Special issue on Futures of Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines just published!

Our special issue on the Futures of Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines was just published in the journal Information, Technology & People. It includes 7 special issue papers plus one related regular issue paper. Check it out here:


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