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Call for papers: Organization Science special issue on Emerging Technologies and Organizing

Special Issue Editors
Diane Bailey, Samer Faraj, Pamela Hinds, Georg von Krogh, and Paul Leonardi

Emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, data analytics, robotics, digital platforms, social media, digital traces, blockchain, and 3D printing are increasingly reshaping human action and interaction in domains as varied as consumer credit-risk assessment, product design, platform work, healthcare diagnosis, hiring, predictive policing, custom manufacturing, automated fraud detection, consumer services, and surveillance. From organizational boundaries to employment relationships to individuals’ identification with organizations, these technologies are increasingly deployed in almost every process, form, and condition for organizing; their adoption and use is thereby calling into question our fundamental theories and ideas about organizations and organizing. This special issue seeks to advance scholarly understanding of how these theories and ideas need to evolve in the context of these new technologies.

This call for papers addresses scholars across a range of communities with a shared interest in advancing organization studies in the face of emerging technologies, including work and technology, management of technology and innovation, strategic management, organization behavior, organization theory, business ethics, organizational communication, entrepreneurship, international management and more. We encourage submission of ground-breaking conceptual and empirical work that can help shape the way we understand the relationship between organizations and emerging technology. For example, we are seeking papers that propel scholarship by opening up new theoretical domains or redirecting debate on the relationship between organizing and emerging technologies. Papers that address questions on the role of emerging technology in shaping our own field of inquiry are welcome, including research that uses such technologies to help us understand and predict organizational phenomena better. The special issue will be open to papers employing qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods.

April 1, 2019 - Call announced
January 15, 2020 - Submission
February 1, 2020 - Initial screening decisions
April 1, 2020 - First round of editorial decisions (reviews, desk rejects)
September 15, 2020 - Resubmissions
November 15, 2020 - Second round of editorial decisions (rejects, second review)
February 15, 2021 - Final resubmission
April 1, 2021 - Final decision or minor revisions handled by editors only
End of summer, 2021 - Expected publication

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