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Using Work System Theory, Facets of Work, and Dimensions of Smartness to Characterize Applications and Impacts of AI

Type: Report
Author: Steven Alter
Year of Publishing: 2020
Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Algorithm, Work System Theory, Facets of Work, Dimensions of Smartness

This paper presents an approach for describing and characterizing al-gorithms that are discussed as though they embody artificial intelligence. After identifying key assumptions related to algorithms and summarizing work sys-tem theory (WST), this paper uses a hypothetical example to introduces aspects of WST and two additional ideas, facets of work and dimensions of smartness in devices and systems. Next, it applies those ideas to aspects of five AI-related examples presented by entrepreneurs and researchers at an MIT AI conference in July 2020. Those examples were selected because they illustrated many AI-related issues. This paper’s contribution is a new approach for characterizing real world applications and impacts of almost any system that uses algorithms or is associated with artificial intelligence.