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PDW: Work in the Age of Intelligent Machines: Towards Disciplinary Convergence

Type: Report
Author: Kevin Crowston, Mary-Beth Watson-Manheim, Ingrid Erickson, Jeffrey V. Nickerson
Year of Publishing: 2018

The Professional Development Workshop (PDW) Work in the Age of Intelligent
Machines: Towards Disciplinary Convergence was held at the Academy of Management Annual
Meeting on 11 August 2018 in Chicago, USA. The PDW explored ways in which human work
and occupations will be changed as artificial intelligence becomes more increasingly prevalent in
the workplace. The PDW was a part of a series of workshops funded by a National Science
Foundation (NSF) convergence grant on the future of work. A range of academic, industry, and
government participants engaged in collective identification of key research questions which
merit further study.